Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Some Words of Wisdom (from Today's Reading)

It's cool when we get those moments of clarity or an "ah-ha" from something we read or hear. Many times it is words, phrases or scripture that we have heard over and over but it makes perfect sense today or is completely relevant to the present situation...I believe God's timing is always perfect and His way of being present in our situation.

I have several books and devotionals that I like to read from each morning. This message from my Courage to Change book was helpful to me and I want to share it...ENJOY...

In the past, forgivness meant power to me. I could judge an offender--the person wasn't doing what I wanted them to do (or thought they should do)--and then exercise my power by showing that I could rise above the offense and magnanimously bestow my forgiveness. But I would never forget what had been done. Today I know that forgiveness has nothing to do with
power. It does not give me control. Forgiveness is simply a reminder that I am on equal footing with every other child of God. We all do good and noble things at times; on other occasions we may offend. I have no right to judge, punish, or absolve anyone. When I behave self-rightously, I'm the one who suffers--I separate myself from my fellow human beings, focus on others, and keep busy with hateful and negative thoughts. By taking this attitude I tell myself that I am a victim, so I remain a victim. The most forgiving thing I can do is to remember that my job is not to judge others, but to think and behave in a way that lets me feel good.
TODAY's REMINDER--I don't know the motives or circumstances that cause another's behavior. I do know that when I hold onto resentment and blame, I occupy my spirit with bitterness. Today I will find a more nurturing way to fill myself up.
Booker T. Washington
We often spend time focusing on the actions and attitudes of others and then we seem to have a deep need to comment on their actions or attitudes either to them (nag) or to someone else (gossip). Alot of energy is spent on others in a futile attempt to change them or let them know we are not approving of them and/or their behavior.
I'm not sure as to why we do this, but I have decided that I don't want to do it anymore.
Be patient and give me some time. Old habits are hard to break!

Monday, March 17, 2008


This past weekend, I witnessed some incredible leadership, planning, implementation, delegation and teamwork! All from high school kids...they were awesome! I was one of three adult "sponsors" on a weekend camping trip with the Pope High School FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) group. These kids, planned the trip, took care of all the details, bought the groceries, selected the camp site, set up the tents and made a wet, dreary weekend something to be cherished and remembered. I was literally along for the ride...what a joy!!

The weather was less than cooperative, but not one single person complained! When we got to the site, it was completely dark, but everyone worked together to unloaded the gear, hustled looking for firewood and did whatever need to get done to prepare for a wet weekend. The air was damp (so was all the wood) but they managed to create a great campfire to dry us out and then lead worship under the stars. We were awakened around 3:00am to an amazing thunder and lightning show that echoed through the mountains of the Alabama State Park...the bottom fell out and it poured for a while, then stopped. The moon shone bright enough that flashlights were not necessary "nature called" and you had to step out of your tent and wonder a few yards away from camp. The nearest facilities were miles away, oh well...

The next day, after a lesiurely breakfast of Bacon and Eggs cooked over the campfire, we hiked several trails, saw some beautiful water falls, a few jumped off of the rocky cliffs into the icy water, got out and did it again! Enjoying all that nature had to offer...free of charge! PB and J sandwiches for lunch by the creek and back to the hiking trails. We got soaked by an afternoon shower while jogging to see the last of the falls...all is well!

Back to camp to build a huge fire to dry off by. Chef Jared treated us all to Cheeseburgers and Dogs cooked over the open fire and we grabbed wet sticks to create the best S'Mores ever! Campfire talk and stories of embarassing moments, school pranks and "this one time..." Gene again lead us in worship with his guitar and group singing. I kept thinking that most adults do not work this well together (without a committee chair and strategic planning) much less allow themselves to enjoy the the moments that nature in it's purest form provides. There was no set agenda to follow, just be present, enjoy each other, respect each other and laugh alot.

The next morning, everyone up and at'em by 7:30, chipping in to pack, clean and haul all the gear back down to where the vehicles were parked and head home. I was dirty, smelly and completely exhausted. But my spirit was refreshed and encouraged by these kids. I am so glad my future is in their hands! Thanks PHS/FCA for a great weekend...because you gave so much of yourself, I slept like a baby on wet, hard ground in a cold tent--completely out of my element! Can't wait til next year...all is well.